Hi all registered players, coaches, officials and parents of Toorak Prahran Cricket Club (TPCC)
Toorak Prahran CC confirms that it supports the following Victorian Cricket Integrity Policies in place from time to time:
A. the Cricket Victoria Member Protection Policy as updated in August 2024 (MPP);
B. Australian Cricket’s Commitment Statement and Policy for Safeguarding Children and Young People, along with the Looking after our Kids Code of Behaviour for Affiliated Associations, Clubs & Indoor Centres (Child Safe Policies); and
C. the Cricket Victoria Complaints and Resolution Policy,
collectively, the “Victorian Cricket Integrity Policies”, to which links are provided in the email accompanying this form.
We fully endorse the new Victorian Cricket Integrity Policies and are committed to best practices in Child Safety and Member Protection at our Cricket Club. You can view our Club’s policies and CV’s new polices on our website https://www.toorakprahrancc.com.au/policy-and-documents
We hereby declare that our organisation will:·
meet and promote the standards of behaviour required of all people in Victorian cricket when dealing with adults (MPP Code of Behaviour) and Children & Young People (Looking after our Kids Code of Behaviour);
manage complaints in accordance with the Cricket Victoria Complaints and Resolution Policy;
meet the expectations and follow the processes outlined in the Victorian Cricket Integrity Policies; and
encourage others to understand and comply with the Victorian Cricket Integrity Policies.
CRICKet victoria’s new integrity policies
Cricket Victoria has recently made changes to improve its reporting and complaint procedures related to alleged non-match day misconduct between adults, as well as in relation to children and young people.
The full content of the Cricket Victoria changes may be found at this link - https://www.cricketvictoria.com.au/child-safe-member-protection/
Key Points Summary for Clubs/Associations/Centres:
From 27 August 2024, key changes include:
Child safe and Serious Criminal Conduct matters will be referred to CV, who will determine which cricket organisation is best to deal with the matter;
Member Protection matters will be dealt with by the most appropriate organisation closest to the alleged breach; and
Additional resolution pathways are available for all matters, including warnings, breach notices and investigations, in addition to tribunals and mediation.