Note: Please note that all resolutions were passed at the 2024 AGM.
Jim Hallam
Notice is given that the Annual General Meeting (the Meeting) of TPCC will be a virtual online meeting on 31 July 2024 at 7pm (AEST).
TPCC is pleased to provide members with the opportunity participate in the virtual only Meeting through an online meeting platform where members will be able to watch, listen, and vote online. In order to participate members need to register via this link
The notice of Meeting is attached to this web page.
The primary items of formal business to be considered by the Meeting are:
a) Election of office bearers and committee members
b) Election of lifemember
c) Adoption of new rules of TPCC (refer below)
A copy of the 2023/24 annual report may be found on this page.
Members will be able to vote as follows:
a) Proxy - To vote by proxy, please complete and sign the Proxy Form attached to the attached notice of meeting and return by the time and in accordance with the instructions set out on the Proxy Form. In order for your vote to count you will need to lodge your proxy form no later than 7pm AEST) on 30 July 2024, this being 48 hours prior to the commencement of the Meeting.
b) Vote online – you will be able to vote online during the meeting. Please register in advance for the Meeting at - after registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information on how to vote and join the webinar.
Adoption of new rules of association
TPCC is an association incorporated in Victoria. An association may modify or repeal its rules or a provision of its rules by special resolution of its Members.
The TPCC Committee identified the need to update and modernise the existing rules (Current Rules) or constitution of TPCC and to ensure compliance with recent legislative changes implemented by the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 (Vic) (Act).
The TPCC Committee believe that it is preferable in the circumstances to replace the Current Rules with the proposed rules (New Rules) rather than to amend a multitude of specific provisions.
The proposed changes under the New Rules are the result of a comprehensive governance and compliance review conducted by a working party of Committee members, together with legal advice.
The Committee recommends you vote in favour of the special resolution to adopt the New Rules.
The key changes under the New Rules include:
(a) A clarification as to who is a voting member;
(b) An alignment of the constitution with the legislative changes implemented by the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 (Vic) (Act)
(c) An express requirement that Members comply with the Association’s policies and code of conduct as determined by the Committee from time to time; and
(d) An identification that Member registration is now an online process
Details of the proposed amendments are set out in section 4 of the explanatory statement in the attached notice of meeting.
A copy of the New Rules can be found on this web page
Please do not hesitate to contact me on 0414965442 or by email at if you have any questions in relation to the matters to be considered at the Meeting
Yours sincerely
Jim Hallam